First of all, I haven't written lately due to the holidays, so sorry for that.
But down to the matter at hand. WoW Whores. You've seen them around Goldshire; you know what I'm talking about! With guild tags that include the word "courtesan," "serve," "lustful," or "ladies of the evening." Their RSPs label them as streetwalkers, 'for sale,' or even come right out and say they are a prostitute. E-prostitute. Whatever.
While I don't really care for this unsavory side of Elwynn Forest, I go by the adage "live and let live." The whole ERP thing never really fazes me because most of my characters don't have romantic relationships. Either they had a love they lost in the past, aren't interested in general, or are dating some NPC. Though I know it can be fun, relationship RP is something that just doesn't usually appeal to me.
Anyway, I'm not going to get into the ethics of ERP, because as far as I'm concerned, do what you want! Just keep it private. Easy as pie. However, the other evening someone took it upon themselves to begin harassing me about being a cyber slut and 'probably being a man IRL.'
I was walking across one of the channels on my new alt. She had a dress on. It got me to wondering if all lower level Nelfs in a dress were lumped into the 'Goldshire Dancer' category. Unfortunately, this harassment wasn't over whispers. He was very vocal about his opinions of me. I was able to call him out privately and get him to apologize, but it doesn't change the fact that anyone standing in /yell distance that day got a bad impression of me. xD
This particular character is somewhat of a flirt, it's true. She's shifty and rogue-y. But does that constitute a streetwalker? It's somewhat of a hypocritical notion, really, considering that many nice guys I RP with are somewhat flirty themselves. I've never been offended by it because they know that my character is not interested, but that doesn't stop them from making offers to me (or to other females, actually).
It makes me wonder. The moment I develop an assertive, vocal, and charismatic character who isn't afraid to approach someone and ask them to buy her a drink (or approach someone and tell them to shut the hell up, for that matter), she is labled the same as that draenei death knight dancing naked on the table. It goes to follow, then, that if you want to be a 'respectable' RPer as a girl, you can't mention ANY sort of flirty quality whatsoever in your RSP.
So say a girl wants to have a good looking character. Good luck trying to describe this quality in the RSP. You will be forced to dance around the subject, implying things but never saying them out loud. Though I realize a strong female character should be more than a Barbie doll, is it wrong if some girl wants to portray their character as strong AND decent looking? Strong, beautiful women exist IRL, such as Beyonce over there. Or Princess Diana. Or Queen Hatshepsut. Oh! Here's a good one. Rani Laximbai.
In a fantasy world such as the World of Warcraft, smart, capable, and beautiful women shouldn't be that farfetched. I mean, look at the female heroines in the lore. Tyrande? Alexstrasza? Jaina? Sylvanas?
I'd like to see some idiot go up to Alexstrasza and accuse her of being a whore. Really, I would. I would also like to be there to watch as she catapults them off the top of Wyrmrest Tower.
I'd like to wrap up this tirade by stating that it is not only SOME men who further this viewpoint. It is also some women. Rightfully, we don't want our characters to come off as ladies of a dubious nature. If we do, we're very upfront about it, as some of the RSPs in Goldshire evidence. However, we should come together and realize that hey! I'm playing a freaking night elf! I should be able to kill someone seventeen different ways and STILL look good while doing it, all without compromising my moral and ethical standing because some TWIT is too insecure about his/her own sexual nature to realize that no, just because my character winked at you does not mean she will e-sleep with you. Thanks.
2 years ago